Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Power of Humbleness


The Power of Brokenness

Divine Humbling for a Divine Purpose

Apr 5, 2011

Welcome to OneLife Ministries, an online, interspiritual-integral ministry of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi and Love Light Fellowship. This site is here to lead you into a heart experience of Divine Presence, Who is Love. We recognize that of the Sacred in each one and celebrate the diversity of expressions of our Oneness in Grace. We are for peace and nonviolence, and equal rights and justice for all. I hope persons of varied wisdom paths will find inspiration here. Welcome!

Arem Nahariim-Samadhi, MDiv, MFT, PhD

Vowed Contemplative, Greenbough House of Prayer
Interspiritual Teacher, Author, Chaplain, Spiritual Counselor-Healer

You are invited to join Arem at Love Light Fellowship on Facebook.

We are each a Lovely Flower, in the Garden of Grace...

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We affirm, as One Sacred Communion of Life, the Wonderful Presence in everyone; we reverence the Light in all persons....

connecting to inner light Pictures, Images and Photos

We Share One Life, We Are One Life

Faith Affirmation of Love Light Fellowship

An Interspiritual-Interfaith-Integral Life Community

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"They tell me I've changed... Well, something's lost, something's gained in living every day..."

"You are Treasured, You are Sacred ... You are Beautiful"

Entering the Inner Sanctuary

Enter this sanctuary time by settling down, becoming quiet, and breathing deeply a few breaths. Remind yourself you are in the Presence of Love. This place you are entering, within, is the inner Temple. Here, you are One with Spirit and all persons, and Nature. You may use a mantra, or prayer phrase, follow the breathing in-and-out, or witness the arising and falling of all around you as the manifestation of universal-Grace. Enjoy these moments of Quiet and come out when you are ready. The following video is provided, for those who would like meditative music to accompany your Quiet contemplation:

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Sometimes, we need to celebrate that We're Still Standing, better than we ever did... Say "Yes" to life, whatever we gain, whatever we lose... All is impermanent, except what matters the most...

We are one, after all, you and I:
together we suffer,
together exist,
and forever will recreate each other.

*Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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Once upon a time, in the heart of an ancient Kingdom, there was a beautiful garden. There, in the cool of the day, the Master of the garden would walk. Of all the plants of the garden, the most beautiful, most beloved was gracious and noble Bamboo.

Year after year, Bamboo grew more noble and gracious, aware of his Master’s love and watchful delight, but modest and gentle. And often when the wind came to revel in the garden, Bamboo would dance and play, tossing and swaying and leaping and bowing in joyous abandon, leading the Great Dance of the garden. This delighted the Master.

One day, the Master drew near to contemplate his Bamboo with eyes of curious expectancy. Bamboo, in a passion of adoration, bowed his great head to the ground in loving greeting. The Master spoke: "Bamboo, Bamboo, I would use you." Bamboo flung his head to the sky in delight. The day of days had come, the day for which he had been made, the day to which he had been growing hour by hour, the day in which he would find his completion and destiny.

"Bamboo, beloved Bamboo, I would cut your leaves and branches from you, also," spoke the Master. "Master, cut me down and lay my beauty in the dust. But would you have to take from me my leaves and branches, too?" "Bamboo, if I don't cut them away, I can't use you." The Sun hid his face. A listening butterfly glided away. Bamboo shivered in terrible expectancy, whispering low, "Master, cut away."

"Bamboo, Bamboo," spoke the Master, "I would split you in two and cut out your heart, for if I cut not so, I can't use you." Then Bamboo bowed to the ground, speaking, "Master, Master, then, cut and split."

Afterward, the Master said, "Bamboo, beloved Bamboo, I would cut you down, completely." "Ah, not that! Not that! Use me for your joy, use me for your glory, but please don't cut me down!" "Beloved Bamboo," ~ the Master’s voice graver still ~ "If I don't cut you down, I can't use you." Bamboo's voice came low, as he spoke to his beloved Master: "Master, I’m ready. Use me as you wish. Cut me down? I whom you, Master, made the most beautiful in all your garden?"

The garden grew still. Wind held her breath. Bamboo slowly bent his proud, glorious head. There was a whisper: "Master, if you can't use me other than to cut me down, do your will and cut."

So did the Master of the garden take Bamboo: and cut him down, and hack off his branches,and strip off his leaves,and split him in two,and cut out his heart.

And lifting him gently, the Master carried Bamboo to a spring of fresh, sparkling water in the midst of his dry fields. Then, putting one end of broken Bamboo in the spring and the other end into the water channel in the field, the Master gently laid down Bamboo. And the spring sang "Welcome!," and the clear sparkling waters raced joyfully down the channel of Bamboo’s torn body into the fields. Then, the rice was planted, and the days went by, and the shoots grew, and the harvest came.

In that day, Bamboo, once so glorious in his stately beauty in the garden, was yet more glorious in brokenness and humility. For in his garden-beauty, he was life abundant; in his brokenness, he was a channel of abundant blessing to his Master’s world.

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The Essence of Mysticism is to look "within," to find there the Light of G-D That is in Everyone...

Every idea of Him we form, He must in mercy shatter. The most blessed result of prayer would be to rise thinking "But I never knew before. I never dreamed ..."

*C.S. Lewis. Letters to Malcom: Chiefly on Prayer


May you stand each new day
Seeing the opening of a new doorway
Awaiting what is to come
Daring to be fully alive
Open-Minded for Truth to learn
Open-Hearted to embrace the beauty of existence
Open-Armed to the world
Learning the Grace of Love

*by Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

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The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*Photo, Angelito De Luz

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi and Love Light Ministries. 04/05/11


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Power of Humbleness

©Brian Wilcox 2024